
Why YOU Should Be Podcasting – An Audience At Your Fingertips

Fearuring: Alicia Esposito, Content4Demand

In the first episode of The Podcast Insider, we’re joined by Alicia Esposito, Content Strategist at Content4Demand, to hear her take on why podcasting should be a staple in every content strategy. Alicia is a jack-of-all trades marketer who has worked with Fortune 500 companies to develop unique content pieces used for engaging and converting audiences.

Tune in to hear an insider’s perspective on why podcasting is a saving grace for brands and influencers looking to grow a loyal, engaged audience and why you shouldn’t hold off on developing your own series any longer. While there’s a lot to think about when nailing down your own podcast game plan, find out how the right tools and preparation will allow you to press “record” in no time

During the episode you’ll learn:

  • People want a personal touch. Podcasting presents brands with the opportunity to humanize themselves by putting a voice to their company to which their audience can connect and relate.
  • How Podcasting brings a unique opportunity to brands in that they are building a loyal audience of subscribers looking for solutions to their pain points.
  • How to a develop a strategy for your podcast. Build your podcast mission statement and goals and find topics that will resonate with your potential audience.
  • Always keep your strategies realistic. A weekly podcast might sound good on paper, but if your team doesn’t have the bandwidth or budget to make that happen, don’t be afraid to go with an alternative publish schedule. Consistency is key.
  • Listen to your audience. Your audience is a goldmine for episode ideas. If they’re vocal about a particular pain point, work on crafting an episode addressing it. They’re already on the hook — keep them interested by showing you really are dedicated to solving their problems.

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