
Four Seasons image
Devin McDonnell

3 Creative Seasonal Strategies For Your Podcast

Whether you’re new to podcasting or a seasoned pro, your episode publishing strategy will always be one of the most important keys to your success. Luckily, you have a few options to choose from when setting up your publishing schedule. You can choose to maintain what we call an “ongoing” strategy, where you release your

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Spotify podcast player image on phone
Devin McDonnell

How To Choose A Podcast Hosting Platform

If you’re planning on publishing your first podcast, you’ll need a podcast hosting platform to publish your episodes. Here’s everything you’ll need to know to choose the one that’s right for you.

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Event Marketing Header
Devin McDonnell

4 Ways To Amplify Your Event Marketing With Multimedia Events are a huge investment for any organization. And while it takes a number of teams coming together to produce a successful event, it falls on the marketing team to ensure that the right attendees show up and sponsors are happy. Event and Experiential Marketers have a number of tools at their disposal, but

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What you need to start a podcast featured image
Devin McDonnell

5 Things You Need To Start A Podcast (Besides the Audio) With 0ver 500 million listeners tuning into podcasts worldwide, businesses and personal brands have found it to be an essential channel to connect with larger audiences and share their ideas and stories.  The list of reasons you should start a podcast is pretty long, but once you decide to take the plunge, it may

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Devin McDonnell

Why You Should Be Video Podcasting In 2024

With platforms like YouTube and TikTok dominating the attention of audiences, there’s a huge opportunity for podcasters and businesses to repurpose their audio content into a video series. Here’s 4 reasons why you should!

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Halloween Header Image
Devin McDonnell

5 Spooky Podcast Scenarios You Must Overcome

So, you’re thinking about venturing into the world of podcasting and sharing your voice with the universe. Well, let’s be honest, it can be pretty spooky out there. There’s a lot more to podcasting than just hitting the record button, and sometimes it can feel like wandering into a haunted house alone. This blog is

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Podcast Recording image
Devin McDonnell

5 Steps for a High-Quality Podcast Recording Experience

As more businesses and influencers venture into podcast content creation, one key factor stands out: consistent episode quality. To cut through the noise and capture the attention of your potential audience, it is crucial to prioritize and maintain high-quality audio and episode production. The ultimate goal for any podcaster is to create a great listening

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Maximize ROI image
Devin McDonnell

3 Ways To Generate ROI From Your Podcast

It’s no secret that podcasts have become a popular content channel for businesses. As more and more listeners tune in to podcast episodes, they offer a unique opportunity to establish a strong brand presence in the digital landscape. While podcasts have become a powerful tool for branding, what may not be as obvious is the

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Join Us At B2BSMX
Devin McDonnell

3 Hot Topics We Look Forward To Discussing at #B2BSMX23

We are beyond excited to head to Boston this August 7-9 for the upcoming B2B Sales & Marketing Exchange (#B2BSMX)! There’s no better place to connect and share ideas with some of the brightest minds in B2B marketing and sales. Not to mention reconnecting with old friends and meeting some amazing new people! As we

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Zoom Recording in 2023 Featured Image
Devin McDonnell

How to Use Zoom to Record Your Podcast Episodes

Whether you’re thinking of starting a podcast and not sure how to record virtually, or you’ve been using Zoom to record your episodes and want to learn how to get better quality recordings, you’ve come to the right place!  No, you don’t need a podcast recording studio nowadays! With the technology available today, you can

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Repurposing Image
Devin McDonnell

3 Ways to Fuel Your Episode Schedule with Repurposed Content

Staying on top of a consistent podcast schedule can be quite a challenge. Identifying compelling ideas for your audience, researching, scheduling interviews, recording…it’s definitely a process. But before you get all stressed out, there’s actually a wealth of existing content that you already have that can give you a huge head start on production and

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Devin McDonnell

4 Ways To Record Your Podcast Audio So you’re starting a podcast and putting together your shopping list. You’ve got your microphone and headphones picked out, but you still need to figure out how you will capture your audio. You need to record your podcast somewhere; luckily, you can accomplish that in several ways. But just like with any other equipment,

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Podcast Editing Software
Devin McDonnell

Best Podcast Editing Software: How To Choose What’s Right For You

So whether you’ve been podcasting for a while or looking to start a new podcast for your brand, one thing’s for sure – You can’t just record a conversation and publish it as an episode without any audio editing. This is a crucial step to producing an episode that’s accessible and enjoyable to listen to,

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Stand Out From The Crowd - Generate More Podcast Listeners
Devin McDonnell

How to Make Your Podcast Stand Out in a Sea of Content

With podcast listenership eclipsing 460 million, businesses are discovering some of the amazing benefits of podcasting for their brand. And as more and more businesses take to the airwaves with their podcast, making your show stand out with so many options on the market can take time and effort. Whether you’re a podcast producer or

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Podcasting For Business
Devin McDonnell

4 Benefits of Podcasting for Business

With 2023 shaping up to be a challenging year, I’m sure, like all businesses, you have your ear to the ground for new ways to strengthen relationships with your customers and develop new ones. Maybe you want to build brand awareness or a new top-of-funnel lead gen channel for your marketing campaigns. So, how can

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Podcast Production Partners
Devin McDonnell

3 Signs That It’s Time To Work With A Podcast Production Partner

Ok, so you’ve been producing your own podcast, sharing your passions, stories, and insights with the world. Maybe you’ve seen some early success, which can be super exciting, but there’s one thing I’m sure you’ve come to realize…It can be a ton of work to manage the workflow of a single episode, let alone an

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Podcast Microphone
Devin McDonnell

How To Choose A Microphone For Your Podcast

Ok, so you’re going to start a podcast. Congratulations, that’s exciting news! The first thing you should do is check out our post on how you can get started with everything you’ll need for less than $500. If you’ve read that already but want to explore your options for upgrading to a dedicated podcast microphone

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audience feedback image
Devin McDonnell

Podcast Analytics: What Is Your Audience Telling You?

Now that you’re onboard the podcast train and have a few episodes under your belt, it’s time to start looking at the podcast analytics your show is generating.  Podcast hosting platforms typically have built-in metrics, and these numbers can tell us a lot about our listeners. This can include, and isn’t limited to, how many

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Event Podcast Header
Devin McDonnell

How To Turn Your Event Into a Podcast Series

So you just finished pulling off a successful in-person event or trade show. Your attendees gained valuable insights from some fantastic content and learned from some of the best thought leaders in the industry. But now what? While the event may have come and gone, you have a literal treasure chest of content from the

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Podcast Equipment On A Budget
Devin McDonnell

How to Start Your Podcast for Under $500

So, you know what you need to start a podcast but you’re on a strict budget? Not a problem! You don’t need to break the bank to start a quality podcast, and in this post we’ll prove it!  Today, we’ll be exploring the podcast essentials available to you while sticking to a tight budget of

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Rookie Mistakes Feature Image
Devin McDonnell

5 Lessons-Learned from Rookie Podcasting Mistakes

Launching a podcast is not a simple content creation exercise; it takes a lot of work and coordination to produce a podcast that — in return — generates the results you want. New podcasters tend to hit the ground running FAST when they start, making it quite common for them to fall into several rookie

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Remote Recording Featured Blog Image
Devin McDonnell

3 Tools of the Remote Podcasting Trade

It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic changed the workforce as we know it. It ushered in a new era of virtual and remote working solutions for organizations nationwide. And just as these organizations adapted to the new environment, podcasters  also needed to figure out how to produce their content remotely. But just because we

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Devin McDonnell

Podcast Planning: How To Build Your Episodes

Anyone can set up and talk into a microphone, but if you want your podcast to stand out above the rest, there’s only one way to do it: proper planning. Podcast planning and outlining is what separates the hobbyist from the professionals. It’s a necessary step you’ll need to add to your workflow if you

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Devin McDonnell

3 Reasons Your Brand Should Start Podcasting Today

It’s no secret that, in recent years, podcasting has stepped into the spotlight. After the success of Serial, it seems as though podcasting has exploded. And as more people become weekly podcast listeners, brands are starting to realize that podcasting can help them develop a highly engaged audience of potential buyers right at their fingertips.

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The Devenio Podcasts Team

Get To Know Us: Founder Devin McDonnell Featured In Executive Spotlight

Don’t wait to follow your dreams. I was very good at talking myself out of things, but ultimately, you need to follow your passions, so don’t waste time thinking about it or finding reasons why you shouldn’t. Just do. Devin McDonnell Tweet Founder and Lead Podcast Producer, Devin McDonnell was recently featured in Brief’s Executive

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Devin McDonnell

Top 3 Podcast Recording Essentials

Congratulations, you’ve decided to start your very own podcast. As Obi-Wan Kenobi once said in Star Wars: “you’ve just taken your first step into a larger world.” If you’re like most people that have taken this first step, you’re running up against a problem: You’re not an audio expert, and don’t have a clue as

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Devin McDonnell

How To Produce Great Podcasts: An Introduction

Publishing a great podcast is no easy task. It’s easy to look at the entire process and quickly become overwhelmed with all the steps required to successfully publish your podcast. But as the great Jimmy Dugan from A League of Their Own says: “It’s supposed to be hard. If it were easy everyone would do

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Devin McDonnell

How To Promote Your Podcast With Really Good Emails

Featuring: Matthew Smith & Matt Helbig, Really Good Emails After you’ve planned, recorded and published your podcast, you now need to find ways to spread the word. And while there are many ways to do this, few are as powerful as email marketing. Building a community and communicating directly with your audience via email is

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Devin McDonnell

Episode Formatting: 3 Ways To Take Your Podcast To The Next Level

Featuring: Brandon Hull, Freelance To Founder podcast When it comes to formatting, the interview is the easiest choice for podcasters to make. Its simple format makes it easy to produce over time and it can work for almost any podcast niche. But while the interview has proven to be the most accessible format for podcasters,

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Podcast Insider Ep 4 header
Devin McDonnell

How To Become A Podcast Host That Your Audience Will Love

Featuring: Maurice Cherry, Revision Path podcast Being a podcast host can be quite a challenge. After all, your audience is tuning in to spend time with you every week so you need to make sure that you’re entertaining, informative, and just likable in general. That’s a lot of pressure! But is podcast hosting something that

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Devin McDonnell

How To Record A Podcast That Sounds Amazing

Featuring: Matt Boudreau, The Working Class Audio Podcast So you’re producing a podcast or thinking about starting a new one. Sure, you can record your episodes with your laptop mic or your phone, but that’s just going to result in poor audio quality which won’t help you gain any listeners. The first step to building

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Devin McDonnell

How To Plan Your Podcast Like A Pro

Featuring: Chris Graham, The Six Figure Home Studio Podcast When building an audience for your podcast, consistency is going to be the key to fostering your growth. Releasing episodes on a consistent schedule develops trust with your listeners and leaves them wanting more after every episode. And while releasing episodes on a consistent basis sounds

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Devin McDonnell

Why YOU Should Be Podcasting – An Audience At Your Fingertips

Fearuring: Alicia Esposito, Content4Demand In the first episode of The Podcast Insider, we’re joined by Alicia Esposito, Content Strategist at Content4Demand, to hear her take on why podcasting should be a staple in every content strategy. Alicia is a jack-of-all trades marketer who has worked with Fortune 500 companies to develop unique content pieces used for

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