How to Use Zoom to Record Your Podcast Episodes

Whether you’re thinking of starting a podcast and not sure how to record virtually, or you’ve been using Zoom to record your episodes and want to learn how to get better quality recordings, you’ve come to the right place!  No, you don’t need a podcast recording studio nowadays! With the technology available today, you can … Read more

3 Ways to Fuel Your Episode Schedule with Repurposed Content

Staying on top of a consistent podcast schedule can be quite a challenge. Identifying compelling ideas for your audience, researching, scheduling interviews, recording…it’s definitely a process. But before you get all stressed out, there’s actually a wealth of existing content that you already have that can give you a huge head start on production and … Read more

How to Make Your Podcast Stand Out in a Sea of Content

With podcast listenership eclipsing 460 million, businesses are discovering some of the amazing benefits of podcasting for their brand. And as more and more businesses take to the airwaves with their podcast, making your show stand out with so many options on the market can take time and effort. Whether you’re a podcast producer or … Read more

4 Benefits of Podcasting for Business

With 2023 shaping up to be a challenging year, I’m sure, like all businesses, you have your ear to the ground for new ways to strengthen relationships with your customers and develop new ones. Maybe you want to build brand awareness or a new top-of-funnel lead gen channel for your marketing campaigns. So, how can … Read more

3 Tools of the Remote Podcasting Trade

It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic changed the workforce as we know it. It ushered in a new era of virtual and remote working solutions for organizations nationwide. And just as these organizations adapted to the new environment, podcasters  also needed to figure out how to produce their content remotely. But just because we … Read more

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