
audience feedback image
Devin McDonnell

Podcast Analytics: What Is Your Audience Telling You?

Now that you’re onboard the podcast train and have a few episodes under your belt, it’s time to start looking at the podcast analytics your show is generating.  Podcast hosting platforms typically have built-in metrics, and these numbers can tell us a lot about our listeners. This can include, and isn’t limited to, how many

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Event Podcast Header
Devin McDonnell

How To Turn Your Event Into a Podcast Series

So you just finished pulling off a successful in-person event or trade show. Your attendees gained valuable insights from some fantastic content and learned from some of the best thought leaders in the industry. But now what? While the event may have come and gone, you have a literal treasure chest of content from the

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Podcast Equipment On A Budget
Devin McDonnell

How to Start Your Podcast for Under $500

So, you know what you need to start a podcast but you’re on a strict budget? Not a problem! You don’t need to break the bank to start a quality podcast, and in this post we’ll prove it!  Today, we’ll be exploring the podcast essentials available to you while sticking to a tight budget of

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Rookie Mistakes Feature Image
Devin McDonnell

5 Lessons-Learned from Rookie Podcasting Mistakes

Launching a podcast is not a simple content creation exercise; it takes a lot of work and coordination to produce a podcast that — in return — generates the results you want. New podcasters tend to hit the ground running FAST when they start, making it quite common for them to fall into several rookie

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Remote Recording Featured Blog Image
Devin McDonnell

3 Tools of the Remote Podcasting Trade

It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic changed the workforce as we know it. It ushered in a new era of virtual and remote working solutions for organizations nationwide. And just as these organizations adapted to the new environment, podcasters  also needed to figure out how to produce their content remotely. But just because we

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Devin McDonnell

How To Promote Your Podcast With Really Good Emails

Featuring: Matthew Smith & Matt Helbig, Really Good Emails After you’ve planned, recorded and published your podcast, you now need to find ways to spread the word. And while there are many ways to do this, few are as powerful as email marketing. Building a community and communicating directly with your audience via email is

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Devin McDonnell

Episode Formatting: 3 Ways To Take Your Podcast To The Next Level

Featuring: Brandon Hull, Freelance To Founder podcast When it comes to formatting, the interview is the easiest choice for podcasters to make. Its simple format makes it easy to produce over time and it can work for almost any podcast niche. But while the interview has proven to be the most accessible format for podcasters,

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Devin McDonnell

How To Become A Podcast Host That Your Audience Will Love

Featuring: Maurice Cherry, Revision Path podcast Being a podcast host can be quite a challenge. After all, your audience is tuning in to spend time with you every week so you need to make sure that you’re entertaining, informative, and just likable in general. That’s a lot of pressure! But is podcast hosting something that

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Devin McDonnell

Podcast Planning: How To Build Your Episodes

Anyone can set up and talk into a microphone, but if you want your podcast to stand out above the rest, there’s only one way to do it: proper planning. Podcast planning and outlining is what separates the hobbyist from the professionals. It’s a necessary step you’ll need to add to your workflow if you

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Devin McDonnell

How To Record A Podcast That Sounds Amazing

Featuring: Matt Boudreau, The Working Class Audio Podcast So you’re producing a podcast or thinking about starting a new one. Sure, you can record your episodes with your laptop mic or your phone, but that’s just going to result in poor audio quality which won’t help you gain any listeners. The first step to building

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